Fabrizio has an electronics engineering degree from Catania University and joined STMicroelectronics in 2003. He has extensive experience in power electronics and converters, having started as a Field Application Engineer before moving into marketing as Strategic and Technical Marketing.
Currently, he manages power system solution projects and focuses on digital power converters, promoting ST's product portfolio. He also leads the AET- Application Expert Team for Digital Power, which involves 30 digital power conversion specialists.
The use of power electronics converters is accelerating rapidly due to their high energy efficiency, crucial for decarbonization. Control technology and optimized components are essential. While complex techniques have been used, a significant leap is expected with Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI's nonlinear approach provides optimized, adaptive control methods that consider parameters like temperature, aging, and malfunctions. This progress is enabled by high-performance control chips and big data. Soft-switching power converters, being highly nonlinear, will greatly benefit from AI control techniques.